Career Profile: Highly professional, dynamic and skilled Dental Specialist in Periodontology & Implant dentistry certified by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) Professional strengths: -Possess special experiences and training in the field of Periodontal/Implant dentistry -Possess the ability to perform comprehensive dental treatment (incl.Esthetic dentistry, Restorative dentistry, Prothodontics, Periodontics, Endodontics, Orthodontics (Limited orthodontic therapy) for adults ,Pedodonticsand Oral and maxillofacial surgery ) -Possess the ability to perform specialty (Periodontology & Implant dentistry) -Specificity to supervise, train and schedule work assignments for employees -Possess in-depth knowledge on various types of dental treatments Professional Experience: 1999-2001 Worked at the division of Oral and Maxillofacial Disease and division for interdisciplinary dentistry at the Osaka university dental hospital in Japan 2001-2009 Worked as a general practitioner in Japan who performed advanced treatment including Esthetic dentistry, Restorative dentistry, Prothodontics, Periodontics, Endodontics, Orthodontics (Limited orthodontic therapy) for adults ,Pedodontics and Oral and maxillofacial surgery 2013-Present Working as a specialist of Periodontology/ Implantology Educational summary -Undergraduate education (6 years) at HiroshimaUniversity , Japan in 1999 -Residency program (2 years) at the division for interdisciplinary dentistry at OsakaUniversity , Japan in 2001 -Postgraduate periodontal specialist course in Periodontics(3 years) at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden (2010-2012) Degree -Doctor of Dental Surgery from HirosimaUniversity , Japan in 1999 -Certificate of Residency program at the division for interdisciplinary dentistry from Osaka University, Japan in 2001 -Diploma in periodontology and implant dentistry issued by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) in 2013 -Diploma in Clinical Periodontology issued by the University of Gothenburg in 2013 Continuing Education courses completed (non-degree courses) -Advanced dental studies in implant dentistry at Wilshire Park Dental Institute, U.S.A.in 2005 -Periodontal prosthesis course at the University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. in 2005 -Advanced dental implant surgery seminar at Wilshire Park Dental Institute, U.S.A.in2006 Affiliations -The Japanese Academy of Clinical Periodontology (ACP) -Japan Endodontic Association (JEA) -ITI member Co-director, Endodontist :Dr.ToshihiroUshikubo, D.D.S.
Educational Background Dr Ushikubo received his dental degree from Asahi University, School of dentistry in 1988. He studied at Tokyo Medical and Dental University,in the Department of Pulp Biology and Endodontics from 1998 to 2001. He Graduatedfrom the International Endodontic Resident Program (2years) in the Department of Endodontics at the University of Pennsylvania in the School of Dental Medicine, Philadelphia USA in 2008. Degree Doctor of Dental Surgery , Asahi University in the School of Dentistry in 1988 Diploma in Endodontics from the Japan Endodontic Association in 2002 Affiliations Japan Endodontic Association ( JEA ) Japanese Society of Conservative Dentistry American Association of Endodontists( AAE ) International Association of Dental Trauma ( IADT ) Policy To provide every patient with a good root canal treatment that every dentist would actually want to receive themselves.